Friday, 5 October 2012

Hello everybody. Please remember that this activity is to help you improve your English. The idea is to click on the link, do the activity online, and come back to the blog and continue with the next one down. Just do the activities I tell you here on the links.
Read the explanation. Go to exercises and do the first three on the list where is reads Exercises on the past simple.
Do the following test
Let’s practice questions
Try interrogative pronouns
Now let’s practice the present perfect. Read the explanation and then do the first 3 activities on the list. Exercises on the present perfect.
Practice the present perfect here
Here, decide if you will use going to or past simple

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Language II practice

Let's practice... :)
visit this link, read the explanation and do exercises 1&2. Choose another

Here is a listening website. I have selected a number of units to start listening. You can choose others later. The instructions are given at the top of each activity.
For example activities:
-LG 06 holidays
-LG 42 Vehicles
-LG 36 City tips around town
On this website you can  practice some more.

select the opposites

Now you choose an activity from this site

 Some more practice in case you'd like to test yourself on:
You can also do some reading on the news happening in Chile and Latin America on:
Some more listening  practice